On Thursday, September 7, 2023, more than 80 golfers joined the Forest Preserve Foundation for the 12th Annual Conservation Cup. The rain cleared just in time, bringing lovely temperatures to the gorgeous George Dunne National Golf Course, known for its striking views and championship caliber play. Foursomes not only competed for the cup title, but relaxed, connected, and raised funds to keep the Forest Preserves of Cook County healthy for the enjoyment of all communities.

This year’s Conservation Cup Committee, chaired by Julie Conenna and Anngie Richter, created an event that was fun, inspiring, and raised over $210,000. Thank you to our generous sponsors!

The fun began with a putting contest, bloody mary bar, and visits with animal ambassadors. This year Forest Preserve staff brought an Eastern Box Turtle and Fox Snake. Some people might have been a tad more comfortable with the turtle than the snake. All enjoyed learning from the knowledgeable and engaging naturalist from Sand Ridge Nature Center.

President Preckwinkle and General Superintendent Arnold Randall gave a warm welcome with opening remarks, sharing gratitude for our generous sponsors and the essential support provided by the Foundation. President Preckwinkle visited with foursomes individually on the course to chat and take photos.

On the course, golfers could be heard offering each other encouragement, advice and playful jesting. They cheered the perfect drives and sighed in unison over the near misses

As evening approached, golfers and non-golfers gathered under the tented pavilion for a cocktail and dinner reception. Guests re-connected with old friends and made new ones, bought raffle tickets and enjoyed the beautiful late summer evening with a soundtrack provided by both crickets and tunes spun by a DJ. This year, in addition to the Helicopter Ball Drop, Golfer’s Delight Raffle and Squares 50/50, the Buckets of Fun Raffle was added. Guests dropped their raffle tickets into the buckets corresponding to the prizes they most wanted a chance to win: a Brookfield Zoo private tour behind the scenes experience; tickets to Chicago White Sox or Chicago Fire; Forest Preserves of Cook County camping or ziplining; Revolution Brewing beer; or Wines for Humanity in-home wine tasting. Thank you to our Buckets of Fun donors!
The helicopter ball drop delighted as always. This year, two balls landed in the hole!
And young family members of our featured speaker jumped in to help gather the balls.

The evening program also included an opportunity for guests to learn more about how Conservation Cup proceeds help the Preserves and people thrive. After Forest Preserve Foundation President and Executive Director Debra Walker Johnson set the stage, Alice Brandon, FPCC Resource Programming Manager, spoke about the Conservation Corps and Iza Redlinski, FPCC Deputy Director of Resource Management, spoke about restoration. Forest Preserve Foundation Board Vice President Theresa Salus and Conservation Cup Co=Chair Anngie Richter expressed words of gratitude.
Jalanni Matthews provided an inspiring highlight to this year’s event. Guests were treated to Jalanni’s story of dedication, passion and success, beginning in 2014 during his sophomore year of high school when Jalanni joined a Conservation Corps crew. Jalanni’s moving speech was met with a standing ovation and the pavilion was filled with a palpable energy of joy and optimism.

“We hope you had lots of fun, connected with each other and left with a deeper understanding of the dynamic work you are supporting, We are grateful for your partnership in providing resources for restoration and nurturing the next generation of environmental leaders.”
– Debra Walker Johnson, Forest Preserve Foundation President and Executive Director

Thank you!

We are truly grateful for supporters who made this tremendous success possible. You provide the resources needed to restore the preserves to full health and foster the next generation of environmental advocates and young leaders. By investing in programs and opportunities that are proactively inclusive and reflective of the diversity of Cook County, together we support both preserves and people in our communities.
The Foundation looks forward to seeing everyone again next year!
Thursday, September, 5, 2024
Save the date!
Congratulations to the winning foursome of the tournament: Dan Dolahide, Ed Rasmussen, Michael Oneil, and Jason Jones. The Conservation Cup trophy will be etched with their names and remain on display year-round at the George Dunne International Golf Course. Men’s long drive winner was Dan Dolehide and Women’s Long Drive Winner was Kandace Lenti. Congrats!